Is your company creating impact?

Impact engages customers, clients and colleagues. It inspires donors, buyers and investors. It creates unique solutions to societal problem. It builds authentic connections with communities.

How do you stack up and stand out?

With over two decades of experience launching innovative programs for causes and managing corporate social responsibility initiatives, let us help increase your impact or get you started on the journey.

Is Your Nonprofit Using AI?

Let’s me show you some tricks – absolutely free. It’s called ChatGPT for 501(c)(3).
I’m tired of attending seminars and learning AI strategies for nonprofits. Who’s got time to implement these?

Let’s just start playing with it. Let’s become more efficient. We got lives to save and worlds to change.


 It’s a conjunction. Also, a word from a favorite bedtime story about compassion and capitalism.

Everyone has a story. We believe there is a mission somewhere inside of each one. When developed and shared, it creates passion in the workplace, buzz in the marketplace and good fortune in the community.

 Our story – helping organizations and individuals create loyalty and legacy through philanthropy.

What is your story?


An agency (for good)


but unless people like us care a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.

So many unimaginable and unprecedented things happened in 2020. Opening the doors at Unless made complete sense.

Darren began his career as a lawyer in 1995 and words like sustainability and corporate responsibility did not exist (neither did monetize and touch base, thankfully). There was public interest and nonprofit. After spending a little time in each, he joined America Online and saw what happens when a company embraces philanthropy. The Helping Hands Initiative partnered with celebrities to use the AOL shopping platform to raise millions of dollars for charity. A few years later, Darren got to implement a corporate giving campaign at Advanta. The KivaB4B program encouraged the company’s small business credit card cardholders to support entrepreneurs around the world by offering a match.

But career only matters until it doesn’t. In 2005, Darren’s second child, Simon, died suddenly and unexpectedly from an undetected heart condition. He and his wife co-founded Simon’s Heart, an organization to prevent sudden cardiac arrest and death in children, teens and young adults. After running it as a volunteer on nights and weekends, Darren became CEO in 2012.

Under Darren’s leadership, Simon’s Heart created a youth heart screening program; authored and advocated for a law to protect students athletes in fourteen states; built a digital registry to promote pediatric heart research; launched a crowdfunding website for distributing AED devices into places where kids learn and play; produced award-winning educational videos and awareness campaigns; introduced a CPR experience using balls and music; and created cause marketing partnerships with companies and collegiate and professional sports teams.

Darren’s purpose is to show that strategic philanthropy can help businesses become more productive, personal lives more meaningful, and communities more prosperous. He attended The Ohio State University, Capital Law and Graduate Center and Arcadia University. He currently teaches at Villanova University.

Some Case Studies

National Lacrosse League
Designing Social Impact

Philadelphia Flyers
Connecting Company + Cause

Rosati Ice
Engaging the Community

Darren Sudman, CEO

Our name comes from my favorite bedtime story. At the end, the antagonist says, “unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.”

This message has stuck with me. It’s motivated me throughout my career as a lawyer, professor and impact officer. It pushed me to launch a nonprofit after the death of my son. It’s a great name for our business – helping companies and charities maximize their impact in the workplace and community.

I look forward to learning more about your organization and supporting your good pursuits.

Darren and the team from Advanta created a campaign that connected their founder’s story to the mission of Their small business customers were empowered to support entrepreneurs on the other side of the world. There is nothing more authentic than that.
Premal Shah, Kiva Co-Founder


Darren and team created a campaign that connected their founder’s story to the mission of Their small business customers were empowered to support entrepreneurs on the other side of the world. There is nothing more authentic than that.
Premal Shah, CEO, Kiva

Darren brought a unique perspective to my team, and challenged us to think differently. His campaign energized the team, generated additional revenue, and created a renewed sense of purpose for the company.

Rich Trotter, Owner, Rosati Ice

Philanthropy and social responsibility have always been a priority for our firm. Darren encouraged us to take our varied commitments to another level and helped us design a program of giving and volunteering around a specific cause. Soon, all members of our firm will be able to engage directly in efforts we care so much about.

Neil Cooper, Executive Partner, Royer Cooper

Darren helped us gain clarity about the causes our company is uniquely positioned to support. It’s easy to write a check or schedule a volunteer day. It’s much harder to find an authentic connection. Darren provided a roadmap for us to leverage our workforce talent and technology to maximize our impact.

Brad Goldoor, Chief Experience Officer, Phenom People